LEAP have recently completely redesigned it's program interface and are calling it LEAP 2x. There are no revolutionary new features- the focus of the redesign is mainly on user interface and navigation and while the new menu options take a bit of getting used too, the result is much more user friendly program and easier on the eye.

New Bookkeeping Features

Cost Recoveries- now a separate menu where you can create, view and search for cost recoveries within one place without having to open the matter

Disbursement Payment types- can now use BPAY as a Sub payment type of Electronic Payment within Settings

Pay to and Address Fields- these are now separate fields

Office Accounting and Bookkeeping

Credits Ledger- The Credits Ledger now has its own tab under Office Accounting and a new Apply All button allows you to allocate credit notes to multiple invoices in sequential order.

Invoicing- New Time, Fees or Cost Recoveries can now be created from directly within the invoice.

Not Billable Time- Not Billable time entries can now be included on an invoice as "Not Charged" items with no set amount

Edit Time & Fee Entries- Time and Fee entries can now be edited while you are working on the draft invoice without having to remove them and go back to the original entries.

Trust Accounting & Bookkeeping

Protected Trust Funds- Protected Trust funds can now be allocated to individual invoices. When applying trust funds to invoices via the Trust to Office Transfer function you can select either "All available" or "Protected only" trust funds to show as available to allocate against outstanding invoices.

Please call us if you would like to discuss the new bookkeeping features of LEAP 2x in more detail.

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