For a Fixed Weekly Fee, we will initially come to your office to get to know you and your business, refine your systems and customise a procedural checklist. We then provide an ongoing weekly remote service which includes the following:
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If your Legal practice receives trust money that is required to be deposited in a trust account, you must establish and maintain valid bookkeeping, auditing and reporting so that your trust account remains compliant with the laws and regulations of your state.
Books Onsite look after all or part of your Trust Account Bookkeeping, Office Account Bookkeeping and Annual External Examination: All for a Weekly Fixed Fee Package.
Absolutely, for a Fixed Weekly Fee, we will initially come to your office to get to know you and your business, refine your systems and customise a procedural checklist. We then provide an ongoing weekly remote service tailored for you.
We definitely are, as a Leap Certified Consultant we are able to provide Installation, Configuration and Training for Leap Cloud. We provide this at a discounted rate for any ongoing clients.