Leap Legal Bookkeeping
Are you a Sole Practitioner or a Small-Medium Legal Practice with less than 20 Practitioners and using Leap Legal Software (V10 or Cloud)? If so, we have developed a Service to look after all or part of your Trust Account Bookkeeping, Office Account Bookkeeping and Annual External Examination all for a Weekly Fixed Fee Package. Our service includes the following and can be customised to suit you:
Remote Fixed Fee
For a Fixed Weekly Fee, we will initially come to your office to get to know you and your business, refine your systems and customise a procedural checklist. We then provide an ongoing weekly remote service which includes the following:
Management and Reconciliation of your Trust Accounts to ensure compliance with Law Society Regulations
Management and Reconciliation of your Office Accounts with Xero or MYOB
Annual External Examination (we are Certified External Examiners)
Payroll and Creditors payment and management- you will need to provide access only to your internet banking (not authority on your account) to enable us to upload draft payments directly from your software ready for your approval
BAS Agent Services- BAS and IAS reporting and lodgement
Monthly Management Reports to assist you in analysing your firms and staff performance including: Monthly and Prior Year Profit & Loss and Balance Sheet comparisons, WIP and Debtors Exposure Reports and Funds available for Trust to Office Transfer Reports.
Please call us or click below to request a detailed copy of our Weekly Accounts Checklist or arrange a quote for our Fixed Fee Service.
Leap Certified Consultant
As a Leap Certified Consultant we are also able to provide Installation, Configuration and Training for Leap Cloud. We provide this at a discounted rate for any ongoing clients.